Rose Garden  -  by Melan
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Bolissard, Wineseller
Bottle of Fine Wine In safe in basement. 50
Goblet On table in upstairs hallway. 15
Gold Candlestick On shelf in study chamber. 50
Bottle of Fine Wine On shelf in kitchen. 50
Silver Nugget In coal pile by machine in underground sewer. 50
Gold Candlestick x 2 In tower above starting plaza. 100
Gold Candlestick In Juniper Rotschild's apartment, south of Al-Asri. 50
Blue Vase On table in east tower. 50
Blue Vase By foot of statue in staircase close to bridge towards Haskell. 50
Gold Plate In same staircase as above; on wall above statue. 50
Blue Vase On altar in offering room. 100
Blue Vase On windowsill across from offering room. 50
Gold Goblet On steps of balcony to the south with passed out party guests. 25
Blue Vase In footlocker in office of Hopfrog Public House. 100
Gold Nugget On top of bookshelf in armory to the southeast. 100
Silver Nugget On top of bookshelf in armory to the southeast. 50
Gold Goblet In balcony windowsill. 25
Statue Behind painting in master bedroom. 75
Artifact Jar x 2 Behind painting in master bedroom. 40
Tiara On table in downstairs ballroom. 125
Diamond In box on top of rafters in ballroom. 100
Goblet On table by open window. 15
Gold Plate On table by open window. 50
Brascombe & Weir
Golden Nugget By corpse west of Weir's house. 100
Silver Nugget By corpse west of Weir's house. 50
Blue Vase In tower just north of Brascombe. 50
Rug On wooden beam in tower north of Brascombe. 150
Blue Gem x 3 On sword handle just inside entrance to Brascombe. 120
Gold Goblet x 3 On table in practice area. 75
Bottle of Exquisite Wine On table in practice area. 75
Gold Vase x 2 On pedestals in vault. 200
Cistern Ct.
Gold Candlestick In stargazer's office in the topmost apartment. 50
Gold Plate x 2 Above archways in nobleman and noblewoman's apartment on second level from the top. 100
Green Vase Behind leftmost grated window in northwest corner on lower plaza. 50
Rose Garden (Courtyard)
Stack of Copper Coins x 2 In abandoned building with patrolling spider. On table on top floor. 10
Stack of Silver Coins In abandoned building with patrolling spider. On table on top floor. 12
Goblet In the beginning of hedge maze, to the right on the ground. 15
Rose Garden Manor
Goblet x 2 On shelf in kitchen. 30
Coin x 2 On bar counter. 10
Perfume Bottle In locked bedroom to the southeast. 40
Ring On nightstand in abandoned bedroom upstairs. 100
Gold Candlestick In attic above aforementioned bedroom. 50
Green Vase In water in room with two frogs upstairs. 50
Green Vase In small bedroom across from room with zombie on 3rd floor. 50
Gold Skull In sunken tower with mask trap close to the top floor. 100
Ring On hand on wall above hallway close to zombie room. 100
Dead Cat St.
Gold Skull In secret house with skull key entrance above starting plaza. On pedestal. 120
Gold Goblet On balcony to the east. Accessible from physician's. 25
Bottle of Fine Wine In wooden bucket on high ledge northeast of Master Forger's. Access from balcony. 50
Gold Goblet On windowsill across from physician's back door. Get from atop street sign. 25
Gold Goblet On windowsill in the far northwest. 25
Silver Nugget In closed room in equipment station to the NW. Take through small window in staircase. 50
Gold Nugget In closed room in equipment station to the NW. Take through small window in staircase. 100
Goblet On pedestal at The Footman's Grave. 15
Hammer On altar of The Footman's Grave. 75
Gold Candlestick Behind bed in barricaded apartment to the west. 50
Ring On shelf in office. 100
Stack of Copper Coins In small attic space above downstairs entrance. 5
Stack of Silver Coins In small attic space above downstairs entrance. 12
Master Forger
Gold Candlestick In study on top floor. Only accessible through window. 50
Stack of Copper Coins x 2 On table in outside guard station. 10
Blue Vase x 2 In dining room on the top floor. In windowsills. 100
Gold Goblet On ledge in small garden downstairs. 25
Blue Vase On windowsill by main entrance downstairs. 100
Necklace By foot of statue close to vomit in downstairs foyer. 200
Tiara On statue on bookshelf in library. 125
Mysterious Apartment
Blue Vase On desk. 100
Total: 4319 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Bolissard, Wineseller
Rope Arrow By dead thief behind fireplace.
Loaf On table in upstairs hallway.
Cheese On table in upstairs hallway.
Water Arrow x 3 In pipe outside on balcony outside generator room by Oswin's apartment near start.
Scroll On table in Oswin's apartment.
Swordsman Pl.
Orders On table in guard station.
Broadhead Arrow x 5 In quiver on wall in guard station.
Alehouse Key On patrolling swordsman. (1)
Alehouse Key On kitchen maid. (2)
Scroll On kitchen table.
Water Arrow Behind pipe in narrow, mossy hallway close to underground alchemy lab.
Healing Potion On counter in alchemy lab in basement.
Holy Water Vial On counter in alchemy lab in basement.
The City Tribune Newspaper in east tower.
Vault Key On Haskell patrolling upstairs offering room. (3)
Holy Water Vial On altar in offering room.
Testament On pedestal in offering room.
The Knight's Soul In basement vault. Objective!
Cheese On table on restaurant balcony just east of Haskell's.
Apple On table on restaurant balcony just east of Haskell's.
Loaf On table on restaurant balcony just east of Haskell's.
Loaf On table on balcony with passed out party guests to the south.
Cheese On table on balcony with passed out party guests to the south.
Cucumber On table on balcony with passed out party guests to the south.
DeWren's Letter By body on balcony with drunk guests.
Valgrande's Message In office of Hopfrog Public House.
Cucumber In office of Hopfrog Public House.
Water Arrow x 3 On counter in armory to the southeast.
Noisemaker Arrow On counter in armory to the southeast.
Rope Arrow On counter in armory to the southeast.
Mine x 2 On shelf in armory to the southeast.
Engraved Skull In grass on plateau in the far northeast.
Moss Arrow x 2 Under water tank on plateau in the far northeast.
Apple x 2 On table by open window downstairs.
Moss Arrow On grave in roof garden.
Gas Arrow On grave in roof garden.
Fire Arrow On grave in roof garden.
Brascombe & Weir
Water Arrow x 2 Hanging from leaking pipe outside entrance to Weir.
Guard's Letter On ground outside entrance to Weir.
Gas Arrow On ledge by generator north of Weir's house.
Apple x 3 On table in practice area.
Cheese On table in practice area.
Broadhead Arrow x 4 In target.
Moss Arrow Atop plant in corner.
Neatly Written Message In Juniper Rotschild's apartment south of Al-Asri.
Commission Note about meeting places in apartment above generator room on Burnett St.
Noisemaker Arrow In apartment above generator room on Burnett St.
Orders In guard station beneath Al-Asri.
The City Tribune On balcony above plaza east on Dead Cat St.
Cistern Ct.
Broadhead Arrow x 6 In quiver on wall in guard station by rooftops.
Warning Letter in stargazer's office high among rooftops.
Rose Garden (Courtyard)
Moss Arrow In abandoned building with patrolling spider to the east. In ceiling of upper floor.
Moss Arrow x 2 In plant to the east.
Fruit In corner behind gazebo with fire pit to the west.
Fire Arrow In fire pit to the west.
Moss Arrow x 2 In room to the east of hedge maze. Access through window.
Mysterious Key Follow Pud's tip to obtain. Extremely difficult!
Rose Garden Manor
Storeroom Message Behind propped up bed in storeroom to the north.
Deer Leg x 2 In kitchen.
Cheese x 3 In kitchen.
Carrots x 2 In kitchen.
Cucumber x 3 In kitchen.
Upstairs Key In chest in locked bedroom to the southeast.
Thief's Warning In locked bedroom upstairs.
Fruit On wall in upstairs bedroom.
Flash Bomb In footlocker in upstairs bedroom.
Mine Behind lantern on cabinet in upstairs bedroom.
Broadhead Arrow x 3 In web in ceiling of abandoned bedroom upstairs.
Moss Arrow x 2 In attic above aforementioned bedroom.
Water Arrow x 2 In room with two frogs upstairs.
Further Instructions Message from client with new objectives in room at the far end of upstairs hallways.
City Access Key In room at the far end of upstairs hallways.
Mine In room at the far end of upstairs hallways.
Flash Bomb In room at the far end of upstairs hallways.
Gas Arrow In room at the far end of upstairs hallways.
Water Arrow x 3 In supply box in small yard outside.
Breath Potion In supply box in small yard outside.
Speed Potion In supply box in small yard outside.
Scroll In supply box in small yard outside.
Doctor's Key On patrolling guard inside. (4)
Doctor's Key On shelf in office.
Antique Scroll On shelf in office.
Loaf On table downstairs.
Deer Leg On table downstairs.
Dead Cat St.
Mine On shelf in equipment station to the NW.
Sewerman's Message Note about blockage. Get through small window in staircase.
Moss Arrow x 2 On shelf in barricaded apartment to the west.
Master Forger
Jail Key On hammer priest patrolling the plaza. (5)
Pud's Tip Given by Pud after giving him the jail key.
Holy Water Vial In guard station to the southeast.
Disposal Instructions In study on top floor. Only accessible through window.
Master Forger's Letter In study on top floor. Only accessible through window.
Cucumber x 3 In greatest cucumber store in underground alley.
Apple x 3 In greatest cucumber store in underground alley.
Carrots x 3 In greatest cucumber store in underground alley.
Flash Bomb In smelting room in alley underneath Master Forger.
Mine In smelting room in alley underneath Master Forger.
Canister (junk) On thief in outdoor dining area after ringing bell. (6)
Flash Bomb In footlocker in outside guard station.
Loaf On table in outside guard station.
Apple x 3 On table in outside guard station.
Apple x 2 On plate by foot of statue in downstairs foyer.
Loose Page By Bernalt's body in upper library chamber.
Mysterious Apartment
Speed Potion In alcove behind tapestry.
Cryptic Message On desk.
Easter Egg
Fire Arrow x 28 In dopefish room. :-)
Explosive Charge In dopefish room.
Fruit x 2 In dopefish room.
Grand Total
Loot: 4319 out of 4319
Pickpockets: 6 out of 8?
Passageway behind crate above stairs at alehouse.
Switch on top of bookshelf in Mortesaigues' master bedroom.
Wineseller's journal.
Note to tenant at wineseller's.
Note on wall in brewery beneath alehouse.
Journal about hangings in tower above starting plaza.
Book on altar by dead Haskell's wife.
Mortesaigues' journal.
Journal at physician's.
Equipment inventory log in station northwest on Dead Cat St.
Warning outside barricaded door west on Dead Cat St.
Scroll in corner behind cabinet in barricaded apartment west on Dead Cat St.
Book in vault at Al-Asri.
Log book upstairs at Grandmauden.
Door to wineseller's basement.
Safe at wineseller's.
Door to generator room west on Swordsman Pl.
Door to alehouse on Burnett St.
Lock to gate on bridge to Haskell's.
Lock to vault safe at Haskell's.
Grate to shaft underneath Hopfrog Public House.
Door to office at Hopfrog Public House.
Lock to armory southeast of bazaar.
Lock to vault gate at al-Asri.
Door to empty bedroom downstairs at Rose Garden.
Door to bedroom with upstairs key at Rose Garden.
Door to upstairs bedroom at Rose Garden.
Door to client's room at far end of hallway upstairs at Rose Garden.
Lock to gate from Rose Garden south to Halfsequin Ct.
Door to guard station beneath Al-Asri.
Door to equipment station NW on Dead Cat St.
Door to Footman's Grave on Dead Cat St.
Door to smelting room in alley below Master Forger.
Front and back door to physician.
Door to greatest cucumber store.
Door to inner library chamber at Grandmauden.
X Marks the Spot:
In Gillis Courth (NW of Dead Cat St), atop stairs to Tavern.
Dead Cat St, in alley just west of path down to Master Forger.
Guisemere Ct, just above starting location.
In underground alley leading to Grandmauden, across from cucumber.
In alley below Humphrey's, west of Swordsman Pl.
By W entrance to Haskell, just N of Swordsman Pl.
On Burnett St, just W of entrance to Cistern Ct.
Far W end of Burnett St, in staircase by barber.