THE CHALICE OF SOULS, MISSION 2: Beyond the Secluded Passage  -  by FireMage, Squadafroin and Skacky
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Main Floor
Purse On nobleman in foyer. [1] 20
Blue Vase On endtable in hall east of foyer. 45
Goblet x 2 On floor in SE bedroom. 30
Purse On patrolling woman in bedroom in the SE. [2] 12
Silver Flute    On desk with harp. 50
Goblet x 2 In bedroom in the SW. 30
Bottle of Fine Wine 50
Tiara 125
Gold Candlestick In attic accessible from aforementioned bedroom. 50
Purse On nobleman patrolling both floors. [3] 25
Gold Candlestick x 2 On mantlepiece in dining room to the NW. 100
Goblet x 3    On dining table. 45
Bottle of Fine Wine x 2 100
Green Vase 50
Private Area
Blue Vase x 2 On mantelpiece in sitting room in the east. 100
Stack of Silver Coins In pickable footlocker in bedroom to the north. 12
Stack of Gold Coins In footlocker in adjacent bedroom. 50
Stack of Gold Coins In pickable footlocker in bedroom across the hall. 25
Bottle of Fine Wine On cabinet in kitchen. 50
Gold Candlestick In bedroom with dominatrix in the SW. 50
Gold Goblet 25
Upper Floor
Green Vase On table in first room. 50
Purse On Madame Demetra. [5] 35
Blue Vase On desk. 50
Gold Candlestick In bathroom. 50
Gold Vase In bedroom. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine 50
Gold Goblet x 2 50
Blue Vase x 2 100
Spectacles 35
Gold Candlestick x 2 Behind locked door in the NW. 100
Purse On counter by corpse. 13
Ring 30
Coin x 3 3
Gold Nugget On shelf in storage room. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine x 2 In wine cellar. 100
Keeper Sanctuary
Stack of Copper Coins In bookcase on top of ladder in first room. 5
Stack of Silver Coins x 2 24
Gold Candlestick On bookcase in west tower. 50
Gold Goblet Outside railing of spiraling staircase in same tower. 25
Valuable Book On desk in small tower at the end of "caged" walkway. 100
Gold Candlestick 50
Blue Vase On top of bookcase in one of the middle towers. 50
Gold Candlestick On desk on bottom floor of tower in the NE. 50
Spectacles On throne on balcony in tower to the far south. 50
Silver Nugget On cave ledge in the west before steps leading into the lake. 50
Silver Nugget On bottom of lake in between rock pillars in the far west. 50
Silver Nugget On bottom of cave with Chalice of Souls. 50
Exit Room
Stack of Copper Coins x 2 In engine room with thief and corpse accessible from side grotto. 10
Stack of Gold Coins 25
Coin 1
Total: 2500 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Main Floor
Loaf On bed in SE bedroom.
Moss Arrow On windowsill in bedroom with 3 women in the SE.
Water Arrow x 2 In baths room in the east.
Water Arrow In bathtub in restroom.
Apple x 7 On table in dining hall to the NW.
Loaf x 2
Moss Arrow x 2 On staircase railing leading to dining hall in the NW.
Private Area
A Love Letter In footlocker in bedroom in the east.
Speed Potion In footlocker in bedroom in same area.
Service Key On servant patrolling back and forth from kitchen. [4]
Deer Leg In kitchen.
Apple x 2
Cheese x 2
Keeper Key In secret chamber below kitchen. Frob glyphs to reveal.
Upper Floor
Healing Potion On armoir in Madame Demetra's quarters.
Moss Arrow x 2 In pot.
A Letter From Madame Demetra On desk.
A Complaint Scroll in fireplace.
Madame Demetra's Ledger Behind panting in office. Flip lever under armoir. Objective!
Rope Arrow In target at bottom of stairs.
Breath Potion On brick in excavation room with.
Mine On shelf in storage area.
Letter Found on a Corpse On counter by corpse.
Water Arrow In drain in engine room.
Fire Arrow At end of furnace room.
Keeper Sanctuary
A Keeper Message Papyrus on table on upper balcony.
Breath Potion On desk in upper library study room to the north.
Mine On top of bookcase in same study room.
Mine On balcony of upper library to the south.
Flash Bomb
Rope Arrow x 2 On desk in small tower at the end of "caged" walkway.
Moss Arrow x 2 In dirt pile in room to the northeast on upper floor.
Moss Arrow In dirt pile in middle library with patrolling crayman to the south.
Broadhead Arrow x 5 On top of bookcase next to moss arrow.
Moss Arrow In dirt pile on balcony on lower level overlooking room with candlestick.
Gas Arrow On pedestal at bottom of deep tower in the east.
Healing Potion On chair in middle of floor on bottom level of tower in the south.
Moss Arrow In dirt pile on balcony with throne in same tower as above.
Papyrus On patrolling swordsman after having taken the Chalice of Souls. [7]
Water Arrow x 7 In lake.
Healing Potion At lake bottom, by skeletal remains towards the east.
The Chalice of Souls In underwater grotto in the north. Objective!
Exit Room
Key (red) On thief in engine room. [6]
Grand Total
Loot: 2500 out of 2500
Pickpockets: 7 out of 7
City tribune in foyer
Note on kitchen door
Lustful Tales' in SW bedroom
Letter on desk in Madame Demtra's quarters
Keeper journal in south tower
Keeper letter in upper library to the south
Scroll on chair in final engine room
Door to bedroom with 3 women in the SE
2 footlocker in "private area" to the north
Door to bedroom in the SW
Door in the NW on upper floor
Door to wine cellar in basement
Switch by chairs in SW bedroom opens ceiling panel
Lever on top of Demetra's fireplace reveals hidden entrance
Glyph beside statue in foyer with Demetra's balcony
Glyph in flooded part of basement engine room
Lever under armoire in Demetra's quarters reveals ledger