ACT 2 - Midnight in Murkbell
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Garrett difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Various locations:
Stack of Copper Coins   In box at fishmonger's.                                                          50
Silver Nugget           In water outside Black Die between pillars.                                      50
Purse                   On nobleman on Knife Street. (1)                                              5
Goblet                  On balcony fence by Cloaca Court. Use rope arrow on beam above.                  15
Lucky Coins             In shed near Cloaca Court.                                                       20
Goblet                  In garden across river south of forge. Mantle over wall by fence.                    15
Golden Plate                                                                                             In garden across river south of forge. Mantle over wall by fence.                    50
Vase                    On fence on Dr. Provost's balcony. 100
Goblet                  On fence on Dr. Provost's balcony. 25
Rare Coin               In windmill. Mantle up on beams and climb ladder.                                5
Lucky Coins             On window ledge near Towne Hall Clock. Cross clothesline above water.            20
Stack of Copper Coins   In Croft's loft.                                                                 5
Bag of Goods x 2        In chest and in shelf at the psychic's.                                             80
Purse                   In Vilrath's garden. Shoot an arrow on button to enter.                          5
Bottle of Fine Wine               On windowsill at Meepwood bridge.                                                50
Purse                   On mage upstairs at Falstaff. (2)                                                100
Glasses                 On Murkbell Station desk.                                                        5
Holy Lucky Coins        In chest in canal near cemetery, under brigde.                                100
Lucky Coins             In canal on bottom just SW of bridge between psychic and Hollows Lane. HARD!!    5
Lucky Coins             At market, on ground in NE corner. 20
Ring                    On wagon outside Murkbell Cemetery.                                              10
The Gleaming Facet:
Large Blue Diamond      150
Green Diamond x 2                                                                                      30
Blue Diamond x 3                                                                                         45
Red Diamond                                                                                              25
Purple Diamond                                                                                           25
Small Red Diamond x 2                                                                                    200
Necklace x 2                                                                                             400
Tiara                                                                                                    125
Ring x 3                                                                                                 300
Sceptre                                                                                                  200
The Watercrest Museum:
Mask x 2                Downstairs. 30
Golden Nugget                                                                                            50
Large Jar                                                                                                70
Small Red Diamond x 2                                                                                    200
Necklace                                                                                                 200
Large Jar                                                                                               20
Artifact x 3                                                                                             60
Small Jar                                                                                                20
Large Vase                                                                                               20
Normal Vase                                                                                              50
Small Vase x 3                                                                                           30
Picture                 3rd floor.                                                                       100
Green diamond x 2       In vault on 4th floor. Use ruby lensed eye to see hidden beams.                  50
Purple Diamond                                                                                           25
Blue Diamond                                                                                             25
Ring                                                                                                     50
Necklace                                                                                                 50
Goblet                                                                                                   25
Jar                                                                                                      500
Crown                                                                                                    125
St. Trinett's:
Goblet                  On windowsill on west side of St Trinett's.                                      15
Fine Wine                                                                                                50
Goblet                  On window sill on east side.                                                     15
Purse                   On patrolling guard upstairs at St Trinett's. (3)                                10
Vase                    On table.                                                                        100
Golden Candlestick x 2  On tables downstairs.                                                             50
Golden Candlestick      On pulpit.                                                                       25
Goblet                                                                                                   40
Stack of Copper Coins   In chest in bedroom.                                                             5
Golden Candlestick x 3  On shelf.                                                                        150
Various locations:
Purse                   On greater vampire at the east end of Hollows Lane. (4)                         100
Vase                    On 2nd floor of museum.                                                         100
Purse                   On greater vampire at market. (5)                                               100
Golden Nugget           Beside sleeping zombie in St. Trinett’s basement.                               100
Caretaker's Manor:
Statue                  On coffin on ledge overlooking stairs down to Alcandor’s throne room.           15
Lucky Coins             Next to harp in caretaker’s manor.                                              20
Vase                    By window upstairs.                                                              100
Ring                    Beside cradle.                                                                   100
Ring                    By large gravestone in middle of cemetery.                                       100
Total: 5130 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Garrett difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Rented Room:
Fire Arrow x 3         
Speed Potion x 2
Flash Bomb x 6
Water Arrow x 7
Invisibility Potion
Moss Arrow x 3
Mine                    In chest.
Various locations:
Moss Arrow              In old shed outside Black Die.
Flash Mine              In chest outside gunnies warehouse. Climb up ladder from water.
Ice-Cold Tuna x 2       At fishmonger's.
Tasty Bone
Broadhead Arrow x 3     On patrolling archer near Gweldwyn Court. (6)
Vampyre's Eye           In safe upstairs at the Gleaming Facet. Place on 3 in pentagram at Falstaff.
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On archer at Gallan Bridge. (7)
Moss Arrow                In garden S of Peabody's Forge. Mantle over wall by fence.
Fruit                     In garden across river from forge.
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On archer on bridge between two towers W of windmill. (8)
Broadhead Arrow           In chest in tower E of windmill.
Museum Invitation         In Dr. Provost's hand on his balcony.
Holy Water Vial x 2       In windmill.
Ghoul's Eye               In windmill. Mantle up on beams and climb ladder. Place on 1 in pentagram at Falstaff.
Smelting Factory Key      On guard outside factory. (9)
Smelting Factory Key x 2  On guards inside factory. (10 & 11)
Broadhead Arrow 3 x 2     On patrolling archers near Gallan Bridge. One archer is wary and hard to pick. (12 & 13)
Rope Arrow                In chest in tower above market.
Apple                     On stand at market.
Broadhead Arrow 3 x 2     On patrolling archers near museum. (14 & 15)
Moss Arrow                In doorway NW of museum.
Ultraviolet Ruby Lensed Eye of True Seeing In chest in small shed W of museum. Used in museum vault. 
Moss Arrow x 5            In chest in Croft's loft.
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On patrolling archer on Cathedral Street. (16)
Water Arrow               In canal by Meepwood Cemetery, in corner.
Water Arrow               In canal SE of market, in corner.
Water Arrow               In chest in canal near Cathedral St.
Moss Arrow                In stairs in old tower by St Trinett's.
Zjilich Amulet            In chest in grotto between two canal gates, just E of Black Die. Place on 7 in pentagram at Falstaff.
Holy Water Vial           In chest.
Invisibility Potion       On shelf.
Speed Potion
Black Lotus Nectar
Watercrest Museum:
Jortul's Mummified Head   At Watercrest Museum, downstairs. Place on J in pentagram at Falstaff.
Water Arrow
Fire Arrow
Holy Water Vial           In small crate.
Museum Vault Key          On patrolling guard. Used on vault on 4th floor. (17)
Papyrus                   Letter from Mr. Smelt to Dr. Provost.
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On archer on 4th floor. (18)
The Red Arrow             In vault. Use ruby lensed eye to see hidden beams. Objective!
The Baerulian Diamond     On 3rd floor. Turn off alarm on 4th first! Objective!
St. Trinett's:
Balcony Key               On patrolling guard outside St Trinett's. (19)
Canal Gate Key            On desk in library downstairs.
Water Arrow               In bathtub downstairs.
Spellbook                 In Alcandor's bedroom. Tells about the spell of the Zjilich Amulet. Place on 9 in pentagram at Falstaff.
Balcony Key               In Alcandor's bedroom.
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On patrolling archer outside after alarm. (20)
Vilrath's Garden:
Water Arrow x 24          In Vilrath's garden. Shoot an arrow through gate on button to enter. In ponds.
Holy Water Vial
Eye of the Lich           Drains life! Place on 5 in pentagram at Falstaff.
Moss Arrow x 2            Behind statue.
Moss Arrow x 3            Among plants.
Meepwood Bridge:
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On archer at Meepwood bridge. (21)
Apple                     On windowsill at Meepwood bridge.
Meepwood Bridge Key       On guard. Used on Meepwood bridge. (22)
Healing Potion            On mage at Falstaff. (23)
Speed Potion              In chest.
Kharras Drahg             At Falstaff. Frob torch upstairs to open gate.
Complete Zjilich Amulet   Appears in middle of pentagram after reading spellbook. Use to destroy undeads nearby. Works 3 times.
Murkbell Police Station:
Broadhead Arrow x 3       On archer outside Murkbell Station. (24)
Broadhead Arrow x 3       In chest inside station.
Flash Bomb x 4
Office Key                Used on office door.
Rented Room:
Mercedes’ Purse (diary) On Mercedes. Contains bonus objective. (25)
Meepwood Cemetery Keys    Given from Mercedes.
Various locations:
Lt. Grindle’s Safe Key    In office at Murkbell Station. Used on safe.
Fire Arrow x 3            In safe.
Ice-cold Tuna             On zombie at fishmonger’s.
A Dead Cat                On zombie near Gallan Bridge. (26)
Holy Water Vial           From Grenadine after given dead cat.
Cathedral Basement Key    Under desk at library at St. Trinett’s.
Cylix of Jortul In Alcandor's lair below caretaker's manor.
Fire Arrow                In entrance to room upstairs at caretaker’s manor.
Grand Total
Loot: 5130 out of 5230 (the last 100 is confirmed enbedded in the museum vault wall)
Pickpockets: 26 out of 27 (classic T2 bug)
Secrets: None