WE MISS YOU, BOB!  -  by Monastiri
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (OMG Pro difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Bottle of Fine Wine x 2 On shelf in basement. 100
Golden Goblet 25
Golden Candlestick On table in small foyer. 50
Statue 15
Statue On table in dining area. 15
Glasses In hallway closet. Need red key to unlock. 50
Vase In living room. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine 50
Goblet x 2 30
Golden Plate Embedded in table. Invisible, but can still be taken. 50
Tiara In office chest. 125
Ransom Bag In safe behind banner. Objective! 8000
Total: 8610 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (OMG Pro difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On archer by garden door. (1)
Broadhead Arrow x 3 Floating in mid-air by patrolling archer.
Apple On shelf in basement.
Cheese x 6 In kitchen.
Flash Bomb In chest in master bedroom.
Key (blue) On table in dungeon.
Cheese On dining table.
Cheese On shelf in smaller bedroom.
Key (red) In chest. Opens closet in hallway.
Scroll x 2 In Kippy's bedroom. Love poems.
Cheese In living room.
Bob In Marboby's office. Objective!
Grand Total
Loot: 8610 out of 8610
Pickpockets: 1 out of 2 (T2 bug)
Secrets: None