LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
First Floor
Golden Goblet x 12 Kitchen. In shelves. 300
Golden Plate x 6 300
Bag of Spice x 3 120
Goblet x 4 Dining area. On table. 60
Bag of Spice x 2 On shelf in small storage room next to kitchen. 80
Bottle of Fine Wine x 4 In wine rack. 200
Auger In toolbox. 250
Second Floor
Jar x 2 In bathroom. 100
Fire-poker By fireplace in nice bedroom. 200
Torc In pickbale chest. 350
Necklace 200
Vase x 3 In alcoves in main living area. 300
Third Floor
Jar x 2 On sink in bathroom. 100
Mask In pickable chest in first bedroom. 50
Dewdrop On bed. 500
Flute In pickable chest in second bedroom. 50
Pair of Dice In pickable chest in third bedroom. 50
Cylinder 50
Total: 3260 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Holie In attic. Objective!
Key (red) On floor by window after taking gem. Unlocks shaft in basement.
Grand Total
Loot: 3260 out of 3260
Pickpockets: None
Secrets: None