





The hammerites had gotten hold of a vampiric skull worth quite a bit of dough. I needed to cut their sermon short by stealing it, then make it back to the streeets. Soon after start I realized some thieves had beaten me to it. The key accessing their lair lay on the chapel floor.


Not much to report. A short, straight-forward sneak job is all. One tricky spot in the sewers had a stationary thief guarding the cave entrance. I passed along the side slope as he did his pivot. The two patrolling thieves further below posed no threats.


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Fetched the loot and the key from the boss’ bedroom (left image above). The tomb entrance was a little tricky to spot. It was located along one of the darker walls in the sewers. Since taking the skull spawned several haunts around the thieves’ lair, I returned the key to the bedroom before venturing into the tomb. That way I didn’t have to deal with the thieves’ heightened senses. I simply pulled the old lock-‘n-block trick with the tomb door. They key couldn’t be returned to the alcove though, it made too much of a noise and woke the boss to hunt mode. I put it on the corner of his bed instead. I guess this is a small Supreme bust. Some players would say as long as you return it to the same room you’re good. I don’t say that.


One haunt spawned right by the tomb entrance, staring down the tunnel with the two thieves. To begin with they all gave some first alerts, but quickly blew it off. I think what made them fight were sounds from swordplay below. The haunt slayed the sentry before getting downed by the patrolling thief (right image above). I could now close and lock the tomb door without spawning a first alert, which is what would have happened before the undeads arrived.


I replaced the sewer hatch key on my way back to the initial streets.



Time: 16:19

Loot: 245 out of 245

Pickpockets: 0 out of 1

Secrets: None

Locks Picked: 2

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: None

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Couldn’t return the tomb key to the alcove in the thief’s bedroom. Had to put it on the bed instead. Supreme bust.