





After a couple of heavy missions I decided to go for some lighter action. 13 new missions had just been released for the 10th anniversary contest, and I was in the mood for some quick thieving. The most random and unbiased way to play was in alphabetical order, and thus ‘The Affairs of Wizards’ was first up. An interesting aspect with contest missions is that the authors aren’t disclosed to the public, meaning you have no idea what you’re in for, except from looking at the file size and the mission description. This can lead both to pleasant surprises or heavy disappointments, or somewhere in between. Luckily, the former was the case with ‘The Affairs of Wizards’. J


Snatch and grab

My objectives were simple. Retrieve a map from Lord Velleme’s, copy it, get 2,500 in loot and leave. Nothing to it.


The dumbwaiter in the kitchen was locked, but I could still reach the golden goblet on the bottom from outside. Nothing much to report from the ground floor except when entering the barracks. The guard watching the front entry heard me rattling the door, so I had to wait for the patroller to come down and then block the door as he entered. I waited in the shadows underneath the stairs for the right moment (left image below). This patroller also had a tendency to get stuck around the various floors. Anyhow, I robbed the guards’ quarters, bringing along the hard-to-see pair of lucky coins by the gambling table (right image below).


      screenshot3      screenshot4      


Two guards protected the second floor. I therefore used the dumbwaiter to reach the Sir’s chambers. Received new objectives in the process. I still needed to reach the library past the aforementioned guards, and that couldn’t be done without spawning some comments. Supreme went down with a thud. Both picking the locks and traversing the lit hallway past the corner made them grumble. 6 comments total going back and forth. Velleme’s personal key was found underneath a statue in the library. Streaks in the floor boards gave it away; nice touch from the author there!


To the portals

The middle portal on the top floor took me to a pirate ship. One thief patrolled the upper deck, while another was stationed in the bedroom carrying a key to the cargo hold downstairs. A few tricky moves had to be made in order to avoid any alerts here. The patroller stopped for a few seconds outside the bedroom, then entered and stopped for a little more just inside the door, then turned and left. I kept the door from closing as he came out. The other guy had two angles, one of them facing away from the door. I snuck in, stole his key and the coins off the floor, and mantled the bed to the left. This was the only dark place in here, and the only hiding spot from the thief who was on his way back (left image below). The key luckily stuck to my inventory, as it would have been impossible to replace without raising havoc. I could close the door from outside without any comments if I closed it as the patroller went in. If done correctly, he would reopen the door as it swung shut, then close it again on his way out. This is a nifty move that can be utilized if AIs patrol doors close to sentries.

  Nothing more to tell except for a hidden purse on a crate in the cargo hold (right image below).


      screenshot2      screenshot1


The fire realm was no problem. There were only two patrolling burricks in total. The secret tomb had a tiny ring in the coffin quite hard to catch (left image below).  


The trickiest place was at the mages’. The earth mage held the key, but he was positioned in the brightest spot, facing south. Dousing any of the two torches set them all off to hunt mode, so that was out of the question. Nice touch to let the fire mage relight the torches; don’t think I’ve seen that before. The fire mage was also the only one who shifted position. All the other mages stood their ground firmly. I had to circle the room clockwise to avoid a plain Ghost bust. Supreme received more comments, but that mode was already done for. I could also reach the last piece of loot this way, a purse off the northwestern mage. I had to time the turning fire mage to lift the key, but in the end it was without hassle (right image below).


      screenshot2      screenshot4


I took the lift down to the kitchen, and the dumbwaiter key couldn’t be dropped back. I heard some of the guards alerting to the boggles upstairs, but I was safe to end the mission clean.



Time: 42:58

Loot: 3847 out of 3847

Pickpockets: 4 out of 4

Secrets: 1 out of 0

Locks Picked: 8

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Bodies Discovered by Enemies: 1

Consumables: None

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Received 6 alerts total from the guards outside the 2nd floor double doors. Most of them spawned from the doors being picked or opened/closed, but some from entering the library through the bright spots. Busted Supreme.

-          I could not obtain the earth key from the mages without traversing the room and getting comments. Busted Supreme again.

-          The body discovered is probably from the mage fight at the end. But I was long gone before they even showed up.