LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Diamond In spider cave close to start. 20
Golden Nugget In tooth of upside-down skeleton by small pool. 20
Artifact At bottom of underwater cave system. 20
Crystal Shard In cave wall when emerging from larger pool. 25
Silver Nugget In small side cave by idol-worshiping crayman. 50
Vase In tomb accessible from ledge by idol. 100
Lucky Coins On counter in vault. 20
Lucky Coins In pickable deposit box. 20
Coin In pool with falling bottles. 10
Bottle of Fine Wine In pool. Will eventually fall through hole. 10
Necklace In impenetrable deposit box. Use on gear or idol to retrieve. 125
Total: 420 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Moss Arrow Among plants just outside starting cave.
Cray Claw Stuck in dead crayman in narrow cave close to start. Use on gear to open deposit box and to raise gate.
Impenetrable Deposit Box In vault. Use on gear or idol to open.
Door Knob In door on ledge above pool with falling bottles. Use on gear to raise gate. Use as lever to operate lights.
SECRET LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Secret 1 Use impenetrable deposit box on idol to make crayman throw a fit and shatter it.
Secret 2 Use cray claw on wall crack by large pool to find hidden exit. Not counted as a secret. 
Grand Total
Loot: 420 out of 420
Pickpockets: None
Secrets: 1 out of 0? (+1 not counted)