

My only objective was to find the contact somewhere in the streets. The only guard to worry about was a patrolling hammer. He did fake searches at certain points, but I was never seen. Perhaps he had a dislike for the drunks.


There was a purse on one of the balconies to the northwest. I mantled up by the use of a barrel in the street. The barrel was weak and broke if I rattled around to much. The second piece of loot was a silver nugget behind an unfrobbable door. The only way to get it was by bashing the lock open, but that is against Ghost rules so I passed it.


The contact turned out to be a renegade hammer. He told me about the order and their seal. He also gave me a map and some loot. Then the mission ended.



Time: 2:31

Loot: 1025 out of 1125

Pickpockets: None

Locks Picked: None

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: None

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Failed!

Supreme Thief: Success!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Bashing the door to get the silver nugget is considered property damage and not allowed, so this loot was skipped for all modes.





The Order of the Vine


The objectives told me to enter the order compound, grab the seal from the treasury, find some other rare item in the east wing, fetch 1,700 in loot, and get out. No more than 8 knockouts were allowed; fairly irrelevant, since I went for Ghost. I noticed the new sand arrows in the purchase screen. Although they looked tempting, my arsenal was big enough.


I started in the canal. Nothing to do but follow the strong current. The sides were too high to mantle at any point. I noticed a boarded up hole on the right quite early in the ride. Could that be a way out for later? By the bridge stationary archers watched the above gardens, easily alerting to my swimming. Had to duck and dive along the bottom to avoid the splashes. The current and the canal stopped by the power wheel in the northwest. Nowhere else to go but inside.


1st floor

The power room. A stationary swordsman and an unarmed operator. Both enemies faced away, so I slowly crept up the metal ramp and entered the hallway. [Found secret scroll #1 behind a panel in the high voltage area] Lurked along the west wall and approached the swordsmen guarding the double doors. Garrett suggested sticking to the walls. A servant seemed to have a looping convo with the swordsmen, don’t think I’ve seen that before. Something about sleeping on duty. Could filch the guard’s treasury key from here, but I worried about having to put it back. The concrete floor would surely alert them both. Perhaps there would be another key elsewhere. Doubtful, but worth a try. Thus I waited and snuck east. Ccc past the torches to avoid comments. Snagged a scepter from a desk in the north records room. The writer instantly noticed it was gone, but no body movements or settling remarks indicated a proper alert.


Went northwest from here and got the fire-poker from the theatre stage. Entered the library through the main hall, as the archer covered the western hall too well. Had to skip the candlesticks in there for Supreme. Snuffing them went against rule #6. The hall west of here had plenty of shadows. Found the secret portal in the basement. If the library book was right, I would need Ciollfir’s head (or hand) to activate it, plus two keys it seemed. Back up. Crossed the carpet to the garden. A white noble gave me a little trouble exiting the double-doors. He was quite wary but turned west occasionally. Stole his ring from the table and left.


Crossed the hallway again, southeast this time. This big living room had more loot. The wall cabinets were cool, first time I’ve seen those. Their transparency flickered on and off though. From wide angles they turned opaque, which looked rather odd. The lavatories northeast of here had a hidden entrance to the sewers. From here I found the boarded exit I saw running down the canal in the beginning. In the same spot was the first portal key made of bronze. Also from the sewers I could enter the bar area, but it left me too exposed, so I backtracked to the north hallway and approached it from there.

  One customer was more than a little tipsy and had recurring visits to the toilet. I could enter without alerts as he went. [Another secret scroll (#3) was reachable from the rafters] A servant and a swordsman kept bumping into closed doors on either side of the bar counter. This wasn’t just a one time error; neither of these could open any doors on their routes. Strange that this wasn’t fixed during playtesting. I let the swordsman through to get the loot on the south side. Two more candlesticks here were skipped for Supreme. I could enter the area between the bar counters, but the back room was too bright. One of the drunks always saw me. An elevator shaft seemed to emerge from the basement though, and if I could find the lower enrance, I might get my hands on the loot in there after all.


The entire kitchen/dining area to the north only had a single piece of loot. Found the basement entrance in the storage room to the east. Two drunken guards randomly limped around the room. Patiently, I snatched the loot in here and ascended the shaft in the corner. Now I could steal the quality wines here undetected.


[The third secret scroll was situated beyond a wooden wall outside by the side gate]


The armoury was easy if using the key, but that required dropping it back also. As this alerted both guards in the area, I wanted to enter through the unlocked door. It was well-protected by a swordsman circling a dummy, but sliding along the west wall I could enter unseen. I took the battlements key, not knowing whether it was necessary or not. Figured I could put it back alert-free later anyway. I left the armoury eastward to the gambling area, again dodging the practicing guard. I had to creep the last part, not to alert the shooting archer. The silver coins I stole from behind the sitting guard. Had to circle the table along the wall to grab the other stack (see image). Left southward and headed upstairs.


2nd floor

Found loot and a key in the first bedroom. Figured I would need it, so brought it along. Dodged the spinning archer in the next hallway and headed north. He turned regularly, but never faced south. Snuck along the western wall as it was darker. Had to skip the coins in the left barracks for Supreme, as picking the chest alerted the sleeping blokes. The last three rooms were easy enough.


I backtracked and passed the stationary archer westward. [Another secret scroll was hidden behind one of the paintings in a bedroom around here] Found my way to the master bedroom and unlocked the doors. Took the ancient key from the safe and left. Found the dining hall in the center of the 2nd floor. I noticed an Arabic shape on one of the displayed items there. When I tried my recently found ancient key on it, Ciollfir’s head popped out. That had to be the way to access the portal. Cleaned the guest rooms in the northwest afterwards. No trouble, besides having to skip another candle for Supreme.


There were two guards protecting alarm buttons in the servants’ quarters and guards’ quarters; together they sealed off the southern part of the second floor. The left image below shows one of these swordsmen guarding the guest rooms in the southeast. I could not get past them from the north without dousing torches. This area was thus only accessible from the southwest staircase on the 1st floor or the main hall walkway (which was very well protected). Using the southwest stairs forced me to deal with a very inconveniently placed swordsman, so I chose the latter option. The walkway was easily ascended by placing a rope arrow into the top part of the southwestern support pillar (see right image below). I had to land on the railing to retrieve the arrow afterwards.




Reached the southeastern guest rooms via the battlements area. Guess my key from the armoury came to use after all. Found a note about a lost ring in the theatre. Couldn’t remember having seen one down there, so I would be sure to check that later. One of the rooms was locked, and the door didn’t respond to any key or lockpick. Found the entryway across a tiny ledge from the neighboring room’s balcony. Had to skip the candlesticks in both rooms for Supreme. This lowered the total amount to below 1,700, which was the objective requirement. This wouldn’t be the only bust for that mode it’d turn out, so no tragedy. The rare item also caused a bust, as picking the blue chest alerted the sleeping noble.


The last area yet to be explored on the 2nd floor was the servants’ quarters in the southwest. The first three bedrooms were easy. One of the female servants was a light sleeper, so I had to skip more loot for Supreme. The problems came when approaching Giblen’s double doors. A stationary swordsman at the end of the hall randomly faced east and south. I could not enter Giblen’s lair without spawning a comment. I managed to leave once without a grumble, but this was not repeated. Giblen himself had turned into some bug-magnetized beastie. He protected the final ancient key located behind him. Two vines from the mossy ceiling hinted on how to traverse the room unseen. I shot one arrow into the soft part just after the transition from brick to moss. The other I placed into the northern part of the upside-down table (see left image). Especially the leap from the first to the second vine was troublesome. I had to get over the pointy wood structure growing from the corner. Traversing the lines in the opposite direction was easier. I had to grab the last arrow from top of the double doors (not the doorframe, but the door itself), then slide down to ground level from there. This was all done without any comments from Giblen. Quite a challenge!


Getting down to business

Found the ring worth 30 on one of the seats in the theatre. Then set up the portal in the basement and went through. The spider in the opening cave was a little tricky to figure out. Spiders in general have a hard time maintaining proper body angles it seems. This one was stationary but far from normal acting. It seemed to be walking, but was still frozen in place. Occasionally, it would turn 180 and continue its walking behavior. What it really did was spinning. For example, when it turned to face the portal, then that was its real angle. As it kept moving its legs, its vision spun counterclockwise away from the portal, while the body angle stayed the same. When it turned 180 again to face the tunnel opposite the portal, only then had the body angle “caught up” with the vision. If this made any sense at all, I could actually read which way the spider was facing at any point, and circle it accordingly, totally alert-free.


From here I made my way through the tunnels to the bottom pit. Found the last two pieces of loot on the way. The four beasts circling the seal seemed oblivious to most of my actions. Only the wandering mage alerted normally. The others would jump straight to hunt mode, but only in plain view and bright light. An additional objective to bring Horten back to his bedroom triggered upon entering. I took turns hiding beside the big pillars, coming out to grab the objectives as I saw it fit. Got a couple of comments from the mage now and then, but nothing I couldn’t avoid. I gotta say Garrett truly is an athlete, and a brave one at that. I would like to see any mortal man carry a grown man on his back, fling from vine to vine 200 feet aboveground and not utter a single complaint.


Back in the manor I still needed to break into the treasury, despite having obtained the seal. During my escapades throughout the manor, the guard with the key had shifted position, now facing the door. So I had to use a moss arrow to enter safely (see image). The key couldn’t be dropped back anywhere close without alerting the guards, so I held on to it instead.


The archer in the training grounds had slid around as well, now facing the practice dummy. The battlements key therefore also couldn’t be replaced.


I took two of the library candles to fulfill the loot requirement. I considered this a smaller bust than 1st alerts.


Brought Horten to his room and replaced the master bedroom key and Giblen’s key.


Exited the compound through the main gates from the main hall walkway. Could inch over and lower the bridge without alerts, then leap across the canal in the dark and mantle the other side. Snuck unseen to right below the archer with the fire arrows. If fast, I could run around the corner before anyone went into hunt mode. Think all 4 guards gave comments though. Naturally, I couldn’t lower the gate or raise the bridge for Supreme.


[Nightwalker showed me to the final secret scroll! In the storage room of the west wing there is a secret wall-panel. Ironically, the text of the scroll said: “This one was a bit easy, wasn’t it”]



Time: 2:24:25

Loot: 2089 out of 2089 (Supreme: 1719)

Pickpockets: 4 out of 5

Locks Picked: 10

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: 1 Moss Arrow (to enter the treasury)

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Three candlesticks in the library were skipped for Supreme. Dousing them is not allowed. (I ended up taking two of them to fulfill the loot objective)

-          Two more candlesticks were also skipped in the southern bar area, for the same reason as above.

-          The copper coins in the guards’ quarters on the 2nd floor were skipped for Supreme. Picking the chest alerted the sleepers.

-          The northwest guest pool on the 2nd floor had another candlestick that was skipped for Supreme.

-          Two more burning candlesticks had to be skipped in the guest rooms to the southwest. Unfortunately, this meant fulfilling the loot requirement was impossible without busting Supreme.

-          Stealing the rare item spawned a 1st alert from the sleeping noble. Inevitable, but another Supreme bust.

-          A necklace in the southwest servants’ quarters was skipped for Supreme. Picking the chest alerted the lady sleeping nearby.

-          Two 1st alerts couldn’t be avoided entering and leaving Giblen’s lair. Supreme busts. The lair itself was cleaned without further alerts.

-          Due to the treasury guard’s shifting of position, I had to use a moss arrow to enter the double doors. Supreme bust.

-          Couldn’t drop back the treasury key without alerting the guards, so I kept it. Supreme bust.

-          The battlements key was necessary to leave, but couldn’t be dropped back because the practicing archer had changed facing angle. Supreme bust.

-          Got comments from all guards by the main entrance when leaving. 1st alerts.

-          Couldn’t lower the bridge and close the main gate for Supreme.







Again I had to locate the renegade and avoid any kills. No loot lying around, so I went straight for the deal. Viktoria was there, willing to buy the seal for twice the price. Done deal I said, and that was it. Mission accomplished!



Time: 1:14

Loot: 4000 out of 4000

Pickpockets: None

Locks Picked: None

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: None

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Success!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Success!