
Mission 1: The Enterprise



VIDEO REPORT (Narrated run)

VIDEO REPORT (Segmented run)



This mission has important nostalgic value to me, which probably elevates it higher than it deserves. It is a good mission, don’t get me wrong, but it suffers quite a bit from boxy design and a confusing layout. Once you push through those barriers however, you’ll discover a rich story with weird, yet interesting characters. I absolutely love the combination of fog, rain and thunder, one of the first times I can remember a mission implementing those elements in an effective way. Ghosting it is challenging, but enjoyable, and of course highly recommended.



After finding out my mechanical eye had been brought to Solustice Industries in Part 1, my task was simply to retrieve it in Part 2. I was to pick up 1,500 in loot along the way, before making my way out of the enterprise.




Before the Master’s Key

Nothing to report until I got the master’s key objective. I knew this key would unlock every locked door in the mission, so it was my task to obtain it as quickly as possible. I thus refrained from picking the locks in Squintas’ and Franticious’ offices for now. I think it is fun to try to minimize that count as much as possible, and I knew it wouldn’t be a problem later on. However, I also knew that taking the master key would spawn no less than 7 stationary archers in the northern part of the compound, so this area should be cleaned as much as possible first.


Both the area surrounding the master suite, as well as the part marked ‘security’ on the map, went without issues. There were guards around, but they all had fairly long patrol routes. The biggest problem was getting into the northern part of the enterprise. Four entries existed: 1) A passageway in the ceiling of one of the cubbies close to the entrance to torture chamber 2 (left image above); 2) An underground tunnel beneath a rubble piece in the yard (right image above); 3) A passage behind a barrel in one of the north storehouses (left image below); 4) A cave system on the eastern cliff-face (right image below). All four options were feasible, though only the latter yielded loot, so that’s the one I chose.




I’d actually claim this to be the most difficult one, as I arrived in some sort of prison test chamber. It had metal-grated flooring, with two enemies staring in through windows to the north. A door to their room spawned first alerts, so I had to use the ventilation access in the southwest corner instead. The room where these enemies were stationed had loot, plus a second entry door, but opening this one also triggered a first alert from Faustice (left image below). Thus, a gold plate and a goblet in there had to be skipped for Supreme.


The rest of the compound was pretty straight forward. There were a lot of patrollers, but plenty of shadows around. The biggest problem was making sense of the layout, which was very confusing at times. I kept going through the same hallways multiple times before finding a good route. I skipped Incitus and Yolandis’ offices for now. I didn’t want to pick Incitus’ door in order to get the safe key, as the master’s key would open them both. A worker named Mizarus was stationed in a cubicle not far from Yolandis’ office. I feared he could be a problem later, but I kept my hopes up. The only other challenging area was by an older lady in the Electrics Division (right image below). She stared straight at the doorway to the north, so I had to approach from the south and follow the shade in order to get the wine and goblet in the nearby office. Returned the same way. No big deal, except for no less than four patrollers who decided to walk straight through this area at that time.




The Master’s Key

The only way to get underground from inside the enterprise was through the auditorium, which key was in Yolandis’ safe. Since the master’s key opened both the safe and the auditorium doors, I skipped them for now and instead went straight for the alternate route to said key. I’m not sure if it was intended by Frobber to reach it this way or not, but that doesn’t really matter. By the north freight elevator there was an entrance to the cave underneath (left image below). It was tough to reach, not because of attaching the rope arrow, but because of how difficult it was to get onto the rope successfully. I first tried to inch backwards, but that only flung me off the rope into oblivion. I ended up having to approach it from the side, sliding in from the northeast. It was hit or miss whether I actually caught hold of the line, but it was a repeatable move and that was enough.


Reaching the master’s key in the basement was no problem, except for the boards blocking the entrance (right image below). Two of the boards had to be broken in order to gain access; a bust to all ghost modes.




After getting the key, I emerged yet again in the northern part of the compound, quite close to the storage rooms below the barracks. The only problem at this point was getting to Yolandis’ safe. I had previously observed Mizarus as a potential problem, and he was even a bigger problem now. During my escapades underground, he had slid forward and was now stationed on top of the table in his cubicle (left image below). This was horrible news, as he reacted with normal first alerts, something he hadn’t done before. I had noticed before that he had been doing a lot of special movements towards his table, almost simulating the act of money counting. If the engine treated this as a scripted sequence, comparable to a conversation, then he wouldn’t give first or second alerts during this activity. Those movements, however, I had noticed kept pushing him forward into the table, enough for him to eventually slide onto it. I assume this is a common result if spending a long time elsewhere in the mission. As seen in the image below to the left, I could get onto the desk close to the exit doorway, but beyond this point he without fail first alerted.


I was thus forced to reload to before getting the master’s key, when he was still stationed on the floor. Moving onto the desk like before, I could quickly scoot over the shelving unit and hurry around the corner (right image below). One in ten times or so, he didn’t say anything. When he spotted me, it was always directly to alarm mode, never a first alert or hunt mode. This proved my earlier point, that his sequenced movements were part of a looped script. Going back, I could slowly move in behind the shelving unit, then mantle and creep-crouch-strafe onto the desk. If I got that far without alerts, I was safe. It didn’t take many tries before I was clear.




The rest of the mission didn’t pose any problems. The additional archers spread around the compound meant I had to take a longer route going back to the master suite, but nothing that involved difficult moves. I didn’t actually end up descending to the cave in order to get the contract. I went back up after getting the mechanical eye and left the way I had entered earlier. Remembered to lock up the door behind the vines on my way out. Easy to forget that one.



Statistics, Part One:


Time: 6:14

Loot: None

Pickpockets: None

Secrets: 1 out of 1

Locks Picked: 1

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: None

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: N/A

Supreme Thief: Success!

Perfect Supreme Thief: N/A



Statistics, Part Two:


Time: 1:51:03

Loot: 2576 out of 2576 (Supreme: 2511)

Pickpockets: 23 out of 23

Secrets: 3 out of 3

Locks Picked: 4

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: None

Ghost: Failed!

Perfect Thief: Failed!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Had to skip a plate and a goblet worth 65 in the torture viewing room for Supreme. Faustice commented on either door opening.

-          Had to break two wooden boards in order to obtain the master key. Ghost bust.