
[72 Hour Contest]





This is probably my least favorite DrK mission so far, although that says more about his other creations. It’s very impressive to think about this being made in less than 3 days. It’s very good looking, and The Pit is plain awesome, though it does suffer from very confusing navigation in the sewers and city section of Knavesbury. If those areas had been simpler, this would’ve jumped from a good to a stellar mission. Rest assured, I will continue to play DrK’s releases until the sun swallows the moon.



I mainly had to find my way to The Pit in Knavesbury and procure a holy hammer stolen from a local chapel, as well as obtain some reports on the Ivory Rose Casino. My loot goal was 1,700, before needing to make my way back to Aberstreet, the initial part of town.



The area surrounding Aberstreet wasn’t difficult. At first I thought I had to wait to trigger the extra patroller involved in the bridge conversation, but this wasn’t necessary. The streets had enough dark spots to dodge them all. The only slightly tough area to ghost was to the east, surrounding a street with a patrolling archer on a patio above. There were a few coin stacks on the rafter in the staircase that I had to grab from a rope. He didn’t hear me drop to the ground afterwards. Just west of this was another stack of coins in a windowsill. I had to grab it from a beam and then quickly jump to dark statue nearby before the aforementioned archer emerged. This took a few tries to get right, but quite repeatable. Another windowsill had loot above the canal. I couldn’t get to it from below, so I utilized the wooden beams sticking out from the top (left image below). I couldn’t retrieve the rope safely, so I returned to the roof and approached the bridge again from the south.




I didn’t have any big issues west of the guardhouse. A sleeping lady in an apartment owned some loot that I stole. Getting back down took timing of the patrolling swordsman. I grabbed the rope and fell to the street. It was loud, but if he was at the eastern end of his patrol, he didn’t say anything.


Snuck along the left side to pass the bridge guards alert free. There was a ladder here that brought me safely down to the canal (right image above). Got a few more loot pieces at the far eastern end before entering the sewer section.



The streets and sewers of Knavesbury were my least favorite parts of the mission. It seemed to have been made with no other purpose than to confuse the player. Most areas had 3-4 different ways in, but without much point, as the streets alone had easy ways to dodge enemies. This was one of those rare cases where making a section of town non-linear made it less fun.


The only difficult area was surrounding a thief’s hideout in the west (left image below). I could pick the lock on the back door coming directly from the sewers to the south, but this was not necessary. A gate to the east could also be used, but this was very difficult due to a stationary thief on the nearby overlook. The third entry from the north was the easy choice.




The Pit

I entered via the front doors. Needed Roderick’s key in order to get Herwin’s key, in order to clean the bottom floor, so this seemed like the most logical entry point. It was very difficult (or near impossible) to pass the restaurant from west to east. Instead I lowered myself by way of a rope in the northwest corner (right image above). I found the best rope placement to stay hidden from the barmaid’s view when descending. She had three facing angles, the same as Roderick; east, north and west. I timed the patroller and leaned in to grab his key. Climbed back up the rope and approached the eastern part of the bar by using the lift. I traditionally don’t like using loud machinery, but I caved in this time. Nobody alerted to it regardless. From this end I could grab the rest of the loot. A door directly to the barmaid’s south was perfect for grabbing the goodies on or behind the bar counter (left image below). Since neither she nor Roderick faced south, I could fairly easily get everything from this location.


From here, I used the vent system to access the western living quarters. There was a door leading there from the restaurant also, but it required lockpicking, which I don’t do if I can avoid it. Triggered a conversation here and stole a key off the guard’s belt. Next I cleaned Roderick’s bedroom and his treasure pit without issues.




Used what I assume to be a well to reach Herwin’s quarters, where I found the Ivory Rose documents. A bit disappointed it wasn’t readable. I could now approach the four other guards’ bedrooms on this floor from the south. They were all guarded by a lone stationary thief archer (right image above) and an unimportant wandering servant. The archer pivoted south, east and north. Waiting for his angle to be convenient, I could quite easily move past him in either direction, staying on his west side. I could not, however, enter the bedrooms to his southwest or northwest for Supreme, so I skipped the loot in there for that mode. He didn’t alert to picking the locks, but rather to either door opening, which I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before. The lockpicking sounds were very faded, so I assume something to be off with the sound propagation. The opening/closing sounds were normal and that’s what triggered him.


The final challenge was the casino, which I approached via a ventilation shaft to the south. Five coin stacks on the tables and a goblet on the floor were my targets. I went for the goblet first. It was placed directly underneath a lit torch. The goblet could not be reached without getting hit by the torch’s light. The only gambler that consistently alerted to the torch lighting me up was facing south by the gambling table to the far west. He was, however, involved in a conversation, and if using that to my advantage, I could avoid his comment. The two thieves could also comment, but one of them was patrolling and the other on a rotational pivot. Both of them could be timed. After not long, I leaned in and grabbed the piece of loot with no busts. Nice!




The only other items worth mentioning were two coin stacks in the far northwest. I could use the ceiling rafters to move around the room easily enough; the problem was safely descending to obtain the loot. The eastern stack I ended up taking from the east side of the table (left image above). I dropped onto the mantelpiece and slid off into the shadow next to the fireplace to get to the floor. I couldn’t sneak all the way over to the table, but had to lean in from the slightly more shaded area a foot or two away. The lamp directly above the table was the light source in question, and one of the gamblers by the northeast table could easily catch me. Had to mantle back up the fireplace and the rafter and approach the final coin stack from the west. Here I used a rope arrow into the north wall and dropped onto the top of it. It had to be fastened at the very top for two reasons: 1) Only the top portion was dark enough to avoid comments when dropping, and 2) I had to be able to retrieve it from the top rafter afterwards. Climbing down a tad kept me concealed enough to avoid any alerts, but low enough to grab the coins (right image above). The final piece of loot was in the elevator shaft, but it wasn’t hard to get at all.


Before leaving the compound I returned Herwin’s key, the guard’s yellow key, and finally Roderick’s key, in that order. I originally had planned on dropping Roderick’s key from high up on the ceiling rafter, but he gave a comment from the drop, even if it landed on the rug. Instead I had to again use a rope arrow and time everyone’s angles in order to drop it back manually. Although this wasn’t difficult, it did require some patience.


On my way back, the only thing worth mentioning was I couldn’t use the chain to cross the canal emerging at Aberstreet. The bridge guards saw me immediately, so I used the sewer entrance to the east instead.





Time: 1:11:37

Loot: 3000 out of 3000 (Supreme: 2940)

Pickpockets: 5 out of 6

Locks Picked: 16

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: None

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Success!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Success!




-          Skipped four coin stacks worth 60 in the two bedrooms closest to the stationary thief in the living quarters at The Pit for Supreme. He commented on either door opening.