This is perhaps my favorite single-mission FM release ever. I had played through the “regular” edition back in ’03, but never attempted Supreme Ghost. Well, the new and updated version was just the excuse I needed. Unfortunately, I knew the mission wasn’t ghostable in any mode because of two unavoidable scenarios (which I will mention later), but I still wanted to try and Supreme the rest. The reason I Ghost isn’t exclusively to be successful, but to have fun attempting. I have mentioned most of the hard loot, with some explanatory screenshots. For an entire list of pickups, see the link to the left above.


The art collector Grimworth had sent me on a quest to retrieve the lost will of Lord Farrington, and the items it mentioned; as well as information on a possible mages order below his manor. My blackjack was lost so I needed to find a replacement, plus 5,000 gold worth of loot. My night started on the south side of the front doors.


Into the Lion’s Den

I entered the manor through the coal chute. There was an alternate way in on the west side, but the gazebo strikers saw me climbing the vine. The guard by the chute gave a comment as I turned on the sprinklers, but I assume this to be a triggered script. He never paired it with a settling comment either, so I am quite sure I was clear.




Immediately grabbed the cold storage key from underneath the kitchen dumbwaiter. Wanted to finish the basement entirely before moving upstairs. Noticed early how guards were set up perfectly for Ghosting. Tough enough to challenge any player, but at just the right level not to be daunting. Melted the lump of ice in the furnace instead of using a fire arrow (left image above). It made a lot of noise but didn’t seem to alert anyone. Found a hidden pair of lucky coins in the armory (right image above). Brought a rope arrow along for the ride; knew I would need one later.


Went up through the kitchen again, returning the cold storage key and lowering the elevator. Got the skillet and the loot from in here as well. Used the secret passage in the hallway to enter the captain’s office. He had a patrol back and forth from his desk to the bedroom, stopping at either end for a few seconds. I had to wait in the bedroom corner and rush out to steal the contents of his safe as he had his stop. Needed to do it in three runs to get everything and lock up the safe afterwards. The contents were hard to get without accidentally closing the safe. Waited in the office corner when he returned each time (left image below). Dropped the key on the bedroom floor before leaving. Found a tiny ring on a skeleton going back through the crawlspace dungeon (right image below).




Left the captain’s letter in Benny’s locker to check off my new objective. Found a couple of coins among his donuts. A few of the donuts fell out also, so I put them back before leaving.


Making Choices

The centre courtyard on the first floor was a key spot for Ghosters. On a balcony above, a stationary swordsman had his nightshift, preventing all travel in the north-south direction. This only caused a problem as far as the vital greenhouse sponge was concerned. It meant I had to get it coming from either of the southern doors, the southwestern being the easiest. It was possible to crouch across the south wall in the courtyard unseen, but this was very difficult dodging both the archer and the roaming servant. I actually preferred traversing the main foyer to the south. An alternate path would be to enter the greenhouse from the outside using the house key, but as a Supreme perfectionist I try to avoid picking up what I don’t need, and I felt I could leave the house key alone and still finish the mission happy. I needed to loot the rest of the foyer anyway.




I utilized the two pillars in each display wing for cover as the patrolling archer passed (right image above). As I crossed the ground by the front doors I noticed all footsteps from upstairs were gone. All the patrollers had long routes down the long narrow hallways, so these quiet moments occurred from time to time. I seized the moment and quickly stole all the loot from the railings. Even had time to grab the gems below the foyer floor panel; the switch was fortunately frobbable through the Farrington banner. Crossing the foyer again after grabbing the sponge was a harder, since I this time was moving against the archer’s flow of traffic. When I also realized I had forgotten about the nifty purse in the chandelier (right image above), I decided to head upstairs and continue from there. Again most patrollers were away so I could steal the purse using a rope arrow and seek cover in the southeast dining hall.


The remainder of this floor was standard Ghosting procedure; basically moving from room to room dodging the hallway patrollers. I eavesdropped on all doors not to spawn first alert comments. The first major bust came from cutting the electrical forcefield wire in the northwest tower (left image below). There was no way to circumvent it, and property damage is strictly forbidden in all modes of Ghost. It allowed me to take the Horn of Dloren, which was a main objective. Some players have argued this bust to be waived due to the instructions in the objective. As an answer to that I simply refer to the official Ghost rules: “It is not acceptable [...] to incur a ghost bust that the player thinks is "necessary" to meet another objective. For example, it is not allowed to KO an AI or slash a banner simply because they stand in the way of meeting another objective, such as stealing something.” When intended by the author and part of the mission’s storyline, a bust is easier to accept; that was the case here. There was no way to turn the forcefield back on afterwards. Had to skip some loot in the southernmost guest room for Supreme. The chanting hammer alerted on both opening the door and when spotting his prized hammer was missing. The guest room next door had two more pieces of loot, including a tiny ring I almost overlooked (right image below).




The stationary swordsman on the inner balcony seen from downstairs couldn’t be reached in normal fashion. His door was locked and unpickable. I could lure him out by shutting off the lights in the main office, but that was against Supreme rules. I had something else in mind for later however, so I shoved it to the back of my mind and continued with the rest.


To finish upstairs I needed the attic pole from the vault. Needed to use a water arrow and a fire arrow to open the secret entrance; neither of these is mentioned in the Supreme rules (except when dousing torches), so no bust. Got the default combination from the vault manual in the library. Cleaned out the valuables, not forgetting the lucky coins by the table (left image below). The switches in the next room followed the description on the Hunting Dragon (right image below). Had to take the ancient tome to reach the loot behind the concrete wall; it wasn’t replaceable. (As it would turn out later, the tome was a huge part of the story) As mentioned, the crooked pole here was needed to access the attic. Locked up all the doors as they were, except for the hatch to the vertical passage, which wasn’t closeable.




On my way to the second floor I brought the single water arrow from the burrick stables; I knew I would need one later in the mission. I don’t like cluttering the inventory with unnecessary weaponry for Supreme, so I wanted to avoid getting multiples. Also found a pair of lucky coins under the northwest spiral staircase (left image below). Back on the second floor I found a hidden purse in Farrington’s bedroom. It was tucked away in the mouth of a giant vase (right image below). Cleaned the rest of these rooms easily. When entering Elizabeth’s bedroom, the light got turned on as a part of the ghost effect. Supreme rules only prohibit to the removal of light sources though, so no additional bust. Wetted the sponge in the toilet before cooling Sunspark; saved another water arrow that way. This time the lights went out when taking the gemstone, but this was a direct result of the objective and that is allowed. Brought the key from the attic and headed for the library. The antiquary letter there couldn’t be dropped back, but fulfilled my objective regarding the mages order. Returned the safe key afterwards.




Found a quiet moment and entered the attic in the main foyer. There was a hidden diamond in a tiny niche just below the rafter above the entrance hatch. The guards below didn’t alert to the hatch staying open, but they could partly see me even though it was closed. Got the key for the attic windows and traveled to the opposite attic crawlspace. This area was impossible to reach from downstairs, due to a large shelving unit blocking the hatch. In here I found the last gemstone Bloodtear.


Up on the roof I suddenly heard the patrolling guards inside comment on something. Rushing down to check, it appeared one of the guards had accidentally opened the small closet to the northeast rounding the hallway corner. I bet two of them met in the hallway, pushing one too close to the door and it automatically opened. Every guard from then on commented, thinking something was up. This was way out of my control as I had never even touched that door; naturally it was no bust.


With the roof being done I now pointed my eyes to the inner balcony, located between two metal fences. The goblet and the golden plate on the table below looked tempting. I could drop onto either fence from the tiled roof without making noise. I could furthermore drop down on either side of the guard undetected and without losing health. Unfortunately, the guard was positioned too close to the wall so I couldn’t pass his back without accidentally nudging him forward, which isn’t allowed in Supreme and only as a last resort in plain Ghost. I tried dropping to the courtyard from the east side after having taken the loot, but he commented every time. If I could have leaned in and grabbed everything from the west side, then I could have left through the door, returned to the roof, and drop the key quietly onto the apple from above, but alas, only the plate and the apple were reachable. Without the key I was screwed from that side. And from the other side I couldn’t leave without a comment, so I ended up outright skipping it for Supreme. For plain Ghost I lured him out by switching off the light in Farrington’s office; he gave a comment but that was allowed for normal Ghost. Remembered to drop the windows key back onto the attic footlocker also.


Into the Depths

The main manor was done, so I moved on to the chapel below. Snuck counterclockwise along the metal to reach the door that led upstairs. Fetched the crypt key from Rieleg’s chamber. Had to go across his bed and flip the hammer from behind his back. Couldn’t pass him on the floor without nudging, so I dropped from the bed on his left. He didn’t notice the sounds from the secret door. Went down the stairs and slowly crept around the hall to the double doors. Didn’t return the key right away, as I knew there would be a better opportunity for that later.


The three hammers by the altar all turned quite frequently, but eventually they would have their backs to me and I could leave safely. The crypts provided a sudden change in pace; few AIs, but numerous puzzles and traps. I really loved this variety, which also gave a break from tough Ghosting. The only things to watch out for were traps and closing up all passages and hatches (where possible). Nothing to report until I returned after having switched on the holy water to the chapel fonts. Couldn’t reach the western font without getting spotted, so I circled the chapel to the opposite side. I hid behind the northeastern pillar and observed the two closest sentries. Took my chance and frobbed the font when no-one was looking, then swiftly snuck into the nearby barracks. The holy water arrow only lasted 30 seconds and I needed to drench the sponge within that time. The hammers heard the splash anywhere in the chapel, but the bedroom was safe. Made my way down to the crypt again afterwards.




The hallway leading to the family tomb held a secret treasure cache. The button was in the top corner of a nearby relief (left image above). One of the skulls in the background also held a tiny gem.


Brother Sorven’s note gave me hints to the whereabouts of another secret. A loose brick on the wall in the upstairs hall (right image above) revealed a button that lowered one of the coffins encircling the central tower. It eventually led me to the Tomb of the Nameless Riddler. I won’t give away spoilers on how to solve its puzzle, but it involved dousing a torch, which isn’t allowed for Supreme. Thus the 935 loot was skipped for that mode. This cave system also took me to Xedormicost, the famous artifact sword mentioned in one of the manor’s readables (left image below). That book also mentioned it could be released using holy water, which is what I brought the sponge for. After grabbing the sword, a spirit appeared and started circling the elevated center. It always appeared on the west side and patrolled clockwise around the room. It was no hassle to avoid.

  Back in the crypts I tried replacing the loose brick, but only managed to partly (right image above). Supreme rules say to put them back in the nearest logical spot, so I figured I was ok.




Further down I found the trapped hallway leading to the talisman, my as of then final objective. The right image above shows the various tiles and how they triggered. Tile 1 sprung a boulder trap in the ceiling. The rock landed on tile 2 springing a spitfire trap behind me. The third sprung another spitfire to the front. There was no way to avoid springing all of these; the gap was too far of a leap. After all, I needed this and another boulder to open the gate beyond the turn. Sorven’s body was also needed as a sacrifice to open the talisman chamber, but his body turned haunt when I stole the artifact. He wasn’t that big of a deal to dodge, with plenty of shade around the room. I left through the secret passageway in the bedroom. After picking up the loot down there though, I returned to the talisman chamber and snuck out behind the haunt’s back. Being as Supreme as possible, I wanted to lower the gate and put the rubble pieces back to their original positions.


This finished all my objectives, so I went for the sewer exit, on the way switching the chapel pipe back to normal water.



Unfortunately, Robert Farrington’s burrick trap required the use of the horn, alerting all the critters to hunt mode. Although bittersweet, I did it without them ever seeing me. I can understand people claiming the wire-cut in the manor shouldn’t be a bust, but this situation settles any dispute. ‘Ominous Bequest’ is unghostable and that’s it. His letter was actually droppable, so I put it back before blowing the horn.


Passing the crayman caves was easy enough, with the exception of the final worship chamber. The two dancing craymen were in a trance far beyond this world, but the sentry was on alert. I snuck around him to the left, but alas he gave a chirp as I opened the floor panel.

  The tomb of Armion Drake had a little puzzle element to it, but nothing incomprehensible. Made sure to frob back the three skulls after having opened the inner chamber. The panel and rope in the final resting place couldn’t be closed up or pulled back in, so I left them like that. Finally, there was a skull-trap in the next narrow passageway. I think it must have had a proximity trigger, as I couldn’t notice any floor depressions.


The last task was to kill Kadar, by cutting the Book of Souls in half using Xedormicost. I emerged via the burrick stables of the manor and had to make my way back down to the chapel. I returned the (holy) sponge to the greenhouse first. Kadar was using Elizabeth Farrington’s body for some bizarre ritual, in the true spirit of occultism, no pun intended. I snuck upstairs and ascended the ceiling rafters on the south side. It took a few tries reaching the rope without alerting the spirit below, but in the end I got to the book unseen. Kadar didn’t look too good, before plummeting to the chapel floor lifeless.

  I returned the crypt key, put Elizabeth to rest, closed the crypt ventilation hatch, and left through the streets in the east. And yes, I locked both double doors from the inside and left the key lying on the chapel carpet. Finally took the hammer from the pew and the ring from the street alley, before ending this glorious night!




Time: 3:11:25

Loot: 8000 out of 8000 (Supreme: 6865)

Pickpockets: 2 out of 7

Secrets: 8 out of 8

Locks Picked: 15

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Bodies Discovered by Enemies: 1

Consumables: 3 Water Arrows (vault entrance, sponge & riddler’s tomb) & 2 Fire Arrow (vault entrance & riddler’s romb)

Ghost: Failed!

Perfect Thief: Failed!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Had to cut the wire to the electrical forcefield in order to obtain the Horn of Dloren. The property damage is considered a bust. Although the horn is an objective, cutting the wires is not.

-          Had to skip a hammer worth 100 gold in the second floor guest room for Supreme. The stationary hammer alerted to opening the door (and to taking the loot).

-          Had to skip another 100 loot on the inner balcony for Supreme. The door was locked from the inside, and dropping to the courtyard coming from the roof spawned a comment.

-          Skipped 935 loot in the Nameless Riddler’s tomb for Supreme. Dousing the torch to get through the puzzle wasn’t allowed for that mode.

-          More Supreme busts were necessary to reach the Talisman of Life. Two boulder traps and one spitfire trap were triggered on the way. Inevitable, I’m afraid.

-          Escaping Robert Farrington’s burrick pit required blowing the Horn of Dloren. This alerted all burricks to second level hunt mode. Without a doubt a Ghost bust.

-          The stationary crayman in the worship chamber alerted to me opening the escape hatch. Supreme bust.

-          Leaving Armion Drake’s tomb triggered a skull-trap. Another inevitable Supreme bust.

-          The body discovered could possibly be from cutting the Book of Souls and killing Kadar. He might have spotted one of the dead haunts before dying himself.