Probably a top 10 mission of all time for me; definitely the best of the year so far. That statement should say a lot given the quality of missions released in the last half a decade. Funny thing is, it’s not customized textures or fancy scripts that make this one so good, it’s simply solid gameplay. Be prepared for the thieves’ highway on steroids. Took a long time for me to find all the loot, but that was only a good thing. My first mission by Skacky, but it won’t be the last.



I chose to Ghost this mission with the newest HD texture packs, despite Skacky’s recommendations for the vanilla experience. My blackjack run was without any texture updates, so I had gotten that satisfaction already. Mostly I think the texture updates make missions look grittier, which is half of the Thief experience. Especially the new Necro Age mod is high on my list of favorites. I’ll tell you what though, this mission looks stunning regardless.


My main goal was to find and steal an opal from Lord Monsegur, the new warden. In addition, I was to locate some information about his friends and foes. First though, I’d have to find some rope arrows. Due to rushed circumstances, I hadn’t brought any. 2,500 loot and a pagan relic of some sort were also on my list of to-dos. Lastly, I was to pick up a ruby from the late Lord Felton. Sounded like enough trouble for one night; time to get started.


The initial streets had a few patrollers and a couple of stationary guards, but nothing a waiting attitude wouldn’t solve (left image below). I sucked up the atmosphere and started looting. Went for some rope arrows at the weaponsmith’s first. Found the entrance to the keeper’s compound in a corner behind a chair (right image below). A clever goblet lay under the lift in the elevator shaft. Seen that trick before, although it’s been a while now. Seems like authors have forgotten it. I read the letters down there but reloaded, as I knew this objective wouldn’t be possible for Supreme. It involved the triggering of traps, not allowed for that mode. Unless I missed a trick that is. Anyone? Took the loot down there and left.




A Thief’s Highway

At this point I had a decision to make. My goal when ghosting is always to reduce the number of locks picked that cannot be relocked. To me that goes along with the spirit of the Supreme rules, leaving as few things unchanged as possible. The objectives and loot takes priority of course, but this is a mission where plenty of picked locks can be avoided. Given the plurality of access points to the various buildings, I wanted to move around the map in such a way as to minimize locks picked. No rule mentions picked locks except to say that they don’t count as busts.




So I started by climbing the east wall in the starting plaza. The wooden framework made it possible. If placed correctly, a single rope was enough to ascend. I had to watch all the patrollers, as well as guards up on the roofs once climbing. Especially the archer to the west was dangerous. Blocked sound propagation made it extra difficult. The statue had a dark spot by the inner wall (left image above). I could even retrieve my rope from here. Cleaned the manor to the south first, accessible through two wooden shutters and a trip through a vent (right image above and left image below).




Cleared the technician’s room to the east, grabbing the coin stacks by the coil. Didn’t want to go further east due to a locked door. As mentioned, I want to avoid picking them if possible. Crossed west to Fielding manor instead (right image above). Moved along the ledges westward unbothered. Found a few more coin stacks and a purse in a tucked-away windowsill south of the market (left image below). It could only be reached via a balcony at the top of a climbable gutter.




Had a bit of trouble entering the power station through the window. The metal pipe was impossible to land on without wreaking havoc, so I jumped across and made a mantle directly into the window instead (right image above). Difficult but repeatable. Found some hidden coins on the metal beam in there as well. Scooted down to the basement and grabbed the nugget, dodging the mission’s only zombie. Didn’t exit into the sewers though, again due to the door having to be picked.


Dropped to the streets back at the market. There was a hard-to-reach balcony with loot north of the clocktower that took some time to figure out (left image below). A lone guard did an occasional pivot out there. Found it easiest to jump from the second fence post; any closer had me mantle the roof instead. Needed to enter and find shade quickly, or else the guard appeared again. I headed inside, scooted left and hid behind the nearest pillar. Two vases in there, then back out again. I thought about dropping to the canal, but instead managed to mantle back to street level. This was more difficult than getting down, but with the right angle and velocity I got it.




Ascended to the rooftops again back on Usher Street. Headed northeast this time, passing through Cribs’ gallery. Lady Valerius’ letter was a nice touch. Moving east, the guard quarters above the canal was difficult; especially the coin stacks on the patio table. Had to monitor both guards from the ladder, the stationary archer was visible from there (right image above). He had three facing angles: west, south and east. His pivots were frequent, even swinging north if turning from west to east. The patroller had a stop in the bedroom, but he still viewed the balcony through the open windows. The best scenario was when the archer faced east, as I could descend the stairs and approach the table crouching along the wall unnoticed. Then he had to shift position before the swordsman came outside for me to reach safety. The table or even the ledge on the east wall were good options (left image below). Returned in the same manner.


Downstairs was another bedroom with a single patroller. Not as tricky as up above, but I still had to follow him to either end and duck into the shadows (right image below). The door in the basement was pickable and the ladder above the frobbable grate in the staircase wasn’t reachable from below. My only option if wanting to avoid the lockpick was to return upstairs and leave through the window. Took the plunge into the canal from here.




There And Back Again

Nothing to report from the sewers. Every area had a maximum of one patroller, with plenty of shade or hardcover. No noisy flooring either. A breeze.


I soon realized the keeper grotto couldn’t be entered at all for Supreme. In order to access the passage below the sewer control room, one needs to use holy water on the statue. “Ye who seek entry must cleanse my heart first.” Well, as per Supreme rule #5 no potions are allowed at all for that mode, and holy water vials are considered potions. That meant 260 loot skipped for that mode. As mentioned earlier, taking The Seven Forbidden Doctrines triggers several spitfire traps, another bust for Supreme. However, that was only a hidden objective; skipping loot prevents Perfect Supreme Ghost and always leaves a bigger scar.


And just for the record: Lolth’s lair looks awesome in high definition! Can you find the bodies?


Back in the streets I climbed one of the wooden rafters east on Wailing Way. Headed north to Castle Termay and followed a patrolling archer along the balcony. Found a spot on the railing where I was safe once he came back (left image below). Two coin stacks in a dark windowsill across the alley, and a goblet in another sill at the east end of Grime Street (right image below). The coins were easy to reach, but the chain was noisy and my light gem shone red. Once I managed to get onto the chain silently and even mantle into the windowsill itself, things got easier. That way I could time the street patrollers and the top archer and plan my return more carefully.


Had to make a couple of careful rope hops to make it to the diamond cutter’s. I was visible to the street guards on a few occasions as well, plus the rafters weren’t always that easy to mantle. The aforementioned goblet was only reachable from a rope. Only needed one arrow and retrieved it once I entered the window. Found a semi-hidden diamond on top of the cabinet, although it was hinted to in the readable.




Monsegur’s & Beyond

Entered Monsegur’s through the ballroom window. All tile and one swordsman (left image below). No shade except for a few spots in the corners. Intimidating to say the least. For now, I only needed to reach the door on the north wall. As soon as the guard turned west, I dropped and closed the window. Tapped creep-crouch-run until he swung south, then switched to cc-strafe for a few seconds, then back to run. Reached the door without comments this way. I knew I’d have to come back here later. I’d deal with the loot then.


The rest of this floor was heavily patrolled, but still not that difficult. I had to be patient in certain areas, but every room had shadows, scattered carpets and brief periods with no guards. That was all I needed. Found Monsegur’s ring on the library couch. A hidden lever among the plants opened a ceiling panel and a back entry to the lord’s bedroom chamber. This room also seemed daunting at first, but Monsegur’s predictable patrols and some degree of shade (especially in the southwest corner, right image below) made it doable. Dropped his safe key anywhere on the carpet after taking the gemstone.




The hardest piece of loot so far was the diamond in the hall chandelier. I assumed I could reach it from Monsegur’s balcony railing, but nooooo. Realized I needed to take it from the walkway outside the bedroom door. But that was easier said than done. First you had Monsegur himself scouting from the balcony. Second, there was the archer patrolling the staircase with a stop staring straight at the chandelier. Then you had the swordsman passing through the downstairs foyer; the least of my worries really. I found it was reachable from the black metal railing. Problem was, mantling it made me land on the outer edge, nearly falling off. In order to lean in for the grab, I had to scoot back a tad to get proper footing. This made a clunk that busted even regular Ghost every time. I had to reconsider my method. A rope arrow was the solution (left image below). If I climbed a rope, I could lower myself on top of the railing, grab the rope and softly land without noise. The rope had to be attached far enough to the south so I could climb it, but close enough to the railing so I could swing around without dropping off when I retrieved the arrow. Provided Monsegur wasn’t stationed on the balcony, I could take the diamond and lurk back inside the fence. However, this wasn’t all. Heading back to the bedroom, two problems arose: 1) Monsegur was in plain view when I opened the door, and 2) the archer was headed back up the stairs. The only place with shade was the doorway itself, so I reloaded. Figured I’d have to wait a few cycles to see if their patrol times shifted, and they did. After about 3 cycles there was an opening where Monsegur wasn’t at his balcony when I grabbed the diamond and where he was at the west end of the bedroom when I opened the door. All that for 100 loot.




Back in the ballroom were Monsegur’s last three pieces of loot. Since the guard circled the room counterclockwise, I had to follow suit. All four corners had shadows enough to evade his looks once he passed. The most difficult one to find was in the southwest nook (right image above). I had to bury myself in the sill there. The longest stretch came along the southern wall. I utilized the guard’s back being turned to move a little faster. Found my way to the window at last.


Burrows, Usher & Felton

Backtracked to Wailing Way and crossed the street to Burrows Estate. Used the wooden rafters amply. Found some more “hidden” coin stacks in a windowsill in the north tower (left image below). Accessed the main estate on the south side of the building. No problems cleaning house. Passed through Usher Palace on the way south. A bit troublesome getting the vases in there, but either end of the hallway had spots of shade. Exited through the living room window and mantled up the plateau on the east. Found a cleverly hidden purse and a scroll in a boarded up window at the north end (right image below). Gotta love being a thief!




Making my way eastward to Felton Manor proved somewhat difficult (left image below). Dodging the swordsman and the archer on the roofs was easy enough, as I could hear their comments. Both of them patrolled far enough to evade their gazes. The hammer in the streets was worse, as I couldn’t detect whether he saw me. “If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it…” right? I deemed it ok, as there was no way of knowing. If you oppose, let me know.


No problems in the manor except the top floor and the ruby itself. An ingeniously designed room with a single patroller, many lights and tiled floor. The ruby itself was on a table on the far wall from the entrance. The alternate entrance through the ventilation system proved the correct approach. The rafters weren’t in perfect shade, but flickered, plus the beams served as hardcover. My only chance was to use a rope arrow and descend-ascend when the guard walked south (right image below). The rope had to be very close to the northern wall, that way I didn’t have to leave the rope to reach the ruby. I still had to lean forward when at the bottom of the rope to make the ruby highlight, but it was enough to grab it and rush up again. There wasn’t much in it, but definitely repeatable. Nice to keep Supreme from busting here.




Headed back to Usher Palace and dropped to the garden in the far southeast. Found a couple more pieces of loot in another windowsill on my way there (image below). Robbed the butcher’s after picking the door. Heard a thief’s presence nearby while in there. Sounded like the thief from the hideout in the sewers. Figured maybe there was a secret back entrance to the place. Looked around for a hidden switch, but to no avail. Ended the mission by heading out the gate to the west. Closed it on my way out. What a fantastic mission!






Time: 2:23:50

Loot: 4500 out of 4500 (Supreme: 4240)

Pickpockets: 4 out of 5

Locks Picked: 3

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: 1 Holy Water Vial & 1 Water Arrow to enter keeper grotto (Supreme: None)

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Success!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Had to skip the keeper grotto and 260 loot for Supreme. Using a holy water potion goes against the rules.

-          Skipped triggering the keeper objective for Supreme. Taking the book triggers traps and is not allowed. Skipping the objective circumvents the issue.